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If you are a lover of TV serie and videogames so you can’t miss the new title of the creators of Life is Strange: Tell me Why. A serial videogame, right like a tv serie, by Dontnod Entertainment. A storytell mature, adult, with an accurate and surprising graphic that will passionate and amaze you.
Tell me Why
Life is Strange is a title of the 2015, developed in 5 episodes, that has the peculiarity to be re-playable every section of the story by rewinding the time (as well as the power of the protagonist), by living again some passages it’s possible to change answers, actions and consequences. A out of common game.
Tell me Why, tries to amaze again starting from the story: Alyson and Tyler are two twins, Tyler though wasn’t always a male. For the first time so, in the history of the videogames, there is a transgender as protagonist of a high range title.

But the strong suit is that the game doesn’t talk about the Lgbt community. The game normalizes this information and it doesn’t use it as narrative purpose. The studio Dontnod, that always used new languages and stories that are far away from the mass commercial production, tried with Tell me Why to explore a new field, potentially filled with mines, at least about the audience answer.
It seems though to be able to it, infact the story is far away from a sermon or a paternal, it doesn’t judge and it doesn’t want to teach nothing, it only tells a story with grace and sobriety.
It tells about a family with the past signed by depth hurts, with a mistery to discover that is about the mother of the two twins: Mary Ann. Alyson and Tyler have a special power, they are able to communicate with the telepathy and the player will have the duty to make the puzzle of the memories of their painful childhood. The two guys, infact, don’t always have the same memories and it will be the player to take the decisions about it.
Points in favour and some bad reviews
Tell me Why is aimed to the category of gamers that is amazed by the stories, more than by the wish to kill all the monsters or to improve the gym skills through the usage of the controller. A perfect title for who wants to face the videogames world but doesn’t love the anxious of the fight.
An interactive tell that remembers the old game books of the ’90s, with a coloured frame of iper-realistic graphic. Though we have to say that, even though the story is pleasant and the environments catching, Dontnod has a look a little bit small-town on the world that it choose to tell.

Infact, as well as for Life is Strange, even in Tell me Why we are in America, in this case exactly at Delos Crossing, In Alaska. Place, that, not being lived and known by the developers, it’s re-created in a stereotypical and unbelievable way.
The game available for Xbox One, Windows and Xbox Game Pass, is a thriller divide into three chapters, according to the choices of the player, the two protagonists can get closer or faster. This thanks to the memories of their childhood that will be affordable only after found an object of the past or after a conversation that brings back to the memory of the protagonists something.
Unlike Life is Strange there isn’t that game play style, innovative and involving that was perfectly and logically integrated inside the world of the game. By the way it is a very interesting and contemplative title.
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