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Have you ever heard about Mail Mole? It is a fascinating platform 3D. Let’s discover its characteristics.
Mail Mole, the protagonist is Molty
The protagonist of Mail Mole is the speed delivery mole Molty. Its mission? Save Carrotland from the disaster.
What will you do with this game? First of all you can explore magic worlds, you can met new friends and you can play against the moles.

The duty of Molty – and so your one – is the one to find the collectable objects, to solve riddles and to give marvelous to the end of the world. Our protagonist will run in the underground, he will climb the walls and he will be free in the sky.
So, there isn’t a place that our hero can’t reach. A coloured game different than usual, perfect for who loves to solve missions and to reach targets.
Let’s Molty eat
Molty will face the most challenging and different platform challenges to reach the remotest and anciest mailboxes of Carrotland, while travelling with the Cannon Lines.
Endless pits, enormous rocks, steep slopes, bouncing platforms, sharp tips. So, the roads to follow to reach the game’s purposes will be many and hard. The reason why you will have to remember one important thing: let’s Molty eat.
If the feeding is stopped, our hero will be able to reach the mailbox, but not to finish the target by sending the mail. This small detail makes the game even more captivating, because it won’t be always easy to find the food for Molty.
Mail Mole: special locations
We said it, Molty will go through magic worlds. Special and coloured locations, in spanish style.
The creators are infact a start up from Barcellona, composed by only 4 persons. Mail Mole is their first Mole Games, but if a good day starts in the morning, we can say they have a great future.
From the quiet beach of Coconut Islands to the frozen pics of Yeti Ridge, the developers of the game created scenarios where the player will be able to make new friendships and to fight against unusual rivals.
Like we mentioned before we will have to solve some riddles and to find all the amazing collectable objects spreaded in Carrotland. In the shoes of the “postmole” the player will live an amazing adventure. In Peaceful Plaza, the main hub of Carrotland, he will met a happy group of villagers.

The citizens of Carrotland are worried: there was a suspicious black out. Molty will help them to repair all the electric lines and he will receive some accessories as reward.
An elegant top hat, a weird straw hat, a nice bunny band and a showy jetpack that will make Molty as the most beautiful mail mole.
A delicious product
So, a delicious product loved by who plays with the riddle games.
It’s loved especially by women and kids. Even if it isn’t always able to keep the attention of the player, Carrotland is a loved scenario.
From this game style, we understand that the creators of Mail Mole are all big Nintendo fans, from which they get inspiration.
The result of their work is infact a soft and coloured product that, at a first sight, for style and character design it seems to come right from Japan. Instead, it comes from Spain.
The protagonist is a mail mole. It isn’t such original as idea, but it’s easy and captivating. Like Mario was, the plumber became with the time a superhero.
Like any platform, the synopsis isn’t the focal point, but it is only a way to arrive to the action. Passed a very short tutorial which is useful to learn the moves, we will arrive to the hub of the game from which the many levels started.
Bellyful of carrots
Let’s prepare yourself so to a long bellyful of platform and carrots, the place money, which is useful to buy upgrades and dresses for our hero.
Mail Mole is a videogame that start slow and it seems to discourage the expert users. It’s setted up as a challenge for childs, but if we have the patient to go through it, we will discover that the challenges are going to be even harder.
The kinds cliché aren’t missed: competitions with other figures, time platforms, disappearing ones, button to push and massive rolling rocks.
So, the spanish production conviced us. If we have to find a little flaw to it, we must say that the gameplay isn’t inspired to the figures characteristics to study the game situations. But we like it and we suggest it to feed the mind.
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