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The Volkswagen was one of the car companies more advanced ever. It’s been few years that it decided to support with strict industrial plans to the growing need to bring the world of the cars toward the electric and the zero impact. But now this strategy is getting larger and stronger.
Volkswagen: zero impact news
The Volkswagen group announced important progresses about the supply of their impants with renewable energy. Almost all the european implants is supplied with source of energy at zero impact.
The idea is the one to focus all to the renewable energies to create a zero impact of the car sector on our climate. Even for this reason the german colossus invested on the supply of electric energy that supply the the production implants.
A process of growth that until the next 4 years will bring the productive sites of Volkswagen to be supplied 100% with renewable and green energies.

An improvement of the energetic supply sources that until the 2023 will produce a reduction of the Co2 emissions of the 60%. But not only. Even the greenhouse gases will be reduced of the 14% already until the end of the 2021, with a saving of 1,1 million of tons of carbon dioxide.
A project so that has the purpose to create a chain of the energetic value and of the environmental sustainability at 360°.
Volkswagen and the green factories
The industrial plan of Volkswagen is focused to convert ever more all the implants of the german colossus spreaded all over the world to the electric energy.
The purpose isn’t only the one to break down as much as possible the environmental impact, but even the one to produce functional cars at zero impact.

Already during last year the external supply with renewable energies growth from the 80% to the 95% of the european implants of the group.
We hope that until the 2023 even the Volkswagen factories will be able to fully adapt themselves to it, by using the renewable energies at 100% for the productions of fully green cars.
Ever more green and sustainable factories
The project of Volkswagen is extremely radical and innovative. They are maybe one of the first company of the sector to want to convert their implants to save not only about consumption, but even to supply the production process with renewable energies.
It seems that only factories excluded by this process of re-conversion are the ones in China. It’s been already included, instead, the massive hungarian factories of Gyor and the german ones of Neckarsulm, like all the companies bought by the group, like Bugatti and Skoda.
“Zero impact company”
We can say that the one of Volkswagen represents a epochal turning point. The supply of renewable electricity for our factories is an important part of the global strategy of de-carbonization.
The company already in the 2020 got very close to the target. A target that let us hope for the future and it focuses on the energetic transiction of its factories by involving even the China that, like we said, for now isn’t included in the reconversion plan.
If we want to find a competitor of Volkswagen in the research and development of the renewable energies, that’s Toyota.

Even Toyota infact, announced that in Europe its activities are supplied 100% with renewable energy since the beginning of the 2019. A target reached in advance compared with the predictions of the group.
Between these activities there are 9 productive factories, 29 national dealers, 4 direct branches, the research and development center and 21 logistic centers. All of these activities have a total request of energy of 500 GMh per year.
With these targets the japanese company adds another piece to its plan Enviromentale Challenge 2050 that between the major challenges there is the one to set at zero the Co2 footprint of the production.
Between the other challenges there is the one to reduce of the 90% the Co2 produced by the cars compared to the levels of the 2010, to set at zero the impact of the cars inside the life cycle and to minimaze the usage of the water by realizing a company in harmony with the nature.
Will be able the german brand to keep the step with the japanese?
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