Enkey Magazine
Technology information website
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September 2018

Robot CEO VS Human CEO

The advanced robotic's growth takes on ever more human characteristics: a new study observed that the 53% of the employees which are under a manager (CEO) will be happy to work for a robot. Almost 1 employee on 10 thinks that a society…

Instagram decreases our self-worth

The socials are for us our daily life but often even a little bit more. They weigh ever more on our acts and on what we think. We count the ''likes'' or the comments of a post on Instagram like we could change the opinion that we have of…

Old habits replaced by internet

Nowadays we can't live without an internet connection. Every daily activity, habits, services, everything is within a click. Almost we forget how was before internet. However the smartphones arrived just a decade ago and until there …

Pillo, the new handyman robot

The robotic's field is ever more active and looking for solutions to improve the people's life. There are already robots of every kind, from the simplest ones to the most sophisticated, equipped with artificial intelligence or more easily…