Enkey Magazine
Technology information website

The Legend of Zelda is turning 35

Let's talk again about a special anniversary. Let's enter one more time inside the world of Nintendo, the one that followed more than one generation of videoplayers. This time the birthday is the one of The Legend of Zelda. The last 21st of…

What are the Super Apps

We all know the applications of the smartphone, or of any kind of device. Maybe we even know that there are many categories of them. But do you know, instead, what are the Super Apps? It's a new way to conceive the applications and all the…

What’s Amazon Build it

Amazon launches Build it, where the product is made only if one likes it. A system of pre-orders very similar to the system of crowfunding of many platforms. The product is made only if the users are interested in it, otherwise the project…

4G on the Moon

The idea is by Nokia and it represents the guarantee for the communications with the future human base on the Moon. The 4G arrives over the planet and it becomes an instrument to communicate with the earth satellite.

The arrival of Perseverance

After 203 days of travel and 470 million of kilometers, Perseverance finally landed on Mars. The rover of the Nasa will now study the red planet, by trying to discover is there was never life on the planet.