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The technological solutions for the emergency

Technological solutions for the emergency

The needs is the mother of invention: right to face this difficult period are borning innovative technological solutions to solve the new problems that occure. Let’s so find out the news born from the emergency Corona virus.

Technological solutions to stop the virus

A virus carrier are surely the surfaces which are touched by many people and, obviusly, isn’t possible to sanitize them after every usage.

Switchboards and holograms were so born. The company Easpeed by Huangshan started to use the first holographic board. This device projects in the air the numbers of every level of the building, to select the wished level it will be only enough to move a finger on the projection of the related number.

technological solutions
The board of the lifts is one of the first carrier of the virus

A sensor detects the position and sends the command to the system that starts the lift. A further evolution so compared with the touch screen is the touch-less. A great solution for the less busy places like hospitals, big offices and malls. The only problem is the price, which is currently about 15 thousand yuan, about 2000 euros per every device, a really high price to massively install them.

Another solution arrives from Yichang, in the province of Hubei, where they were installed, replacing the original boards, of the voice control systems. Here fortunatelly the price is lower, 14 thousand yuan (about 500 euros) and it might be cheaper the installation of more than one of them, by the way in China they found some problems about the command reception, especially because their language is extremely varied and so harder to understand for an AI.

Huawei instead proposes a further solution, it realized infact an app that allows to call the lift thanks to his own smartphone. It’s enough to activate the Bluetooth and thanks to the app WeChat is possible to select the wished level.

An italian invention

But the technological solutions don’t start all from the China, even here in Italy we are moving toward it. From Brescia arrive big news. The main problem that the hospitals currently have is the lacking of ventilators and maskes C-PAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) that are essential for the sub-intensive therapy. This kind of ventilator allows to artifically ventilate a patient which is not able to do it anymore. From this need the leader of the Hospital in Gardone Val Trompia, in province of Brescia, had an idea.

technological solutions
Between the many technological solutions there is one of them which is italian: the mask for the ventilation C-PAP created by Renato Favero

The ex leader of which we are talking about is the doctor Renato Favero, and his idea is easy but decisive at the same time. He realized infact a subwater ventilator mask for snorkeling. It’s one of the mask that fully covers the face, preciselly the ones sold in Decathlon.

The doctor so joined the idea to use the mask of Decathlon with the vacuum realized by the company Isinnova that printed them in 3D. Infact Cristian Fracassi, of the company Isinnova, was just able to realize the emergency vacuum for the ventilators, to replace the ones that are in this period hard to find.

After three hours of meeting, during which the ex leader explained to the five engineers that are still working in the office of Isinnova how a mask C-PAP works, the engineers started to work.

Once disassembled and analized the mask EasyBreath of Decathlon promptly started to think which changes are necessary. But not only, they tried even to create some fittings suitable for all the tubes available in the italian hospitals.

After saw the efficiency of the mask they promptly started to print them in 3D, then even other companies were involved, because it’s a slowly process and Isinnova couldn’t do it by itself.

This post is also available in: Italiano

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