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Edit pictures is the trend of this period when the socials and the communication’s channels are in their best. Especially we are always looking after the way to appear perfect by removing defects and imperfections. To do it there are many interesting and easy to use apps.
Let’s see together the best 5 apps to edit pictures.
Adobe Photoshop Express
Let’s start from one of the absolutly best applications to edit pictures. Specifically Adobe Photoshop Express has a basic version (free) for smartphones, which gives to the users many functioning.
Through this app infact it is possible to adjust the contrast, the exposure but even the cutting’s settings.
Furthermore it includes the automatic adjustment of the picture, the instrument for the defects’s removal, many filters and many functioning. It is so a 360 degree app that gives all the basic instruments for the editing photos.
It is available on the stores even the Premium version which includes added functioning. By the way we can ensure that the basic version is enough for who doesn’t need professional functions.
With Snapseed we are talking about one of the absolutly most famous and used app to edit pictures. We think that this application is complete with many functioning that can be really useful.
The application infact allows to adjust the lights and the shadows, set the filter that we like with many available solutions, adjust the lighting, the contrast and many other elements.
The most interesting aspect of this application is that it allows to make a focused job only on some portions of picture. Selecting the right portion it is possible to edit only that part obtaining most exciting results. The proof is in the pudding.
Another really good app to edit pictures that is worth to try. Besides the basic functioning infact PicsArt includes even many other interesting instruments that allow to do a more professional and accurate job.
Between those there are many filters like the Crayon filter, the watercolour one, the Cartoon and so on.
One of the most characteristic aspect is the possibility to “paint” those effects directly on our own imagines personalizing them in an incredible way. A really professional app that allows to obtain results straight higher according to the other solutions that there are online.
Photo Editor by Aviary
For completeness and quantity of instruments available Photo Editor byAviary is without any doubt one of the best apps to edit pictures. The available instruments for the users are many and the functioning, which is really easy, use the sidebars in a clever way.
Between the basic instruments we find many filters, changes about the lighting, contrast, sharpness and possibility of cutting on many levels.
Besides this the application has the automatic improvment of the picture, the artistic focusing and many possibilities to acquire other functioning external.
Finally MomentCam which doesn’t officially fit in the apps to edit pictures. We are talking infact of an application that gives the possibility to make our own pictures as a drawing. We aren’t talking about the classic Cartoon filter but about a higher quality that make our own picture really a hand made drawing.
The available drawings are many and it is possible to create small animated emoticon with our face with really great results under a qualitative point of view. We aren’t talking so about a classic app for the editing of the pictures but I cared anyway to show you it for the interesting characteristics that it has.
And according to you which is the best app to edit pictures? Which one you usually use? Let us know we are curious to find it out.
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