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Currently we are in a period of history where the contents spreading develops more through the socials. Facebook is, without any doubt, the most used platform, that’s why, as time goes by, even more companies and others have found their dimension using this channel.
But what can we do to get noticed and improve a Facebook page? Let’s discover it togheter.
One of the simplest methods, but at the same time most ignored, it is to improve a Facebook page inserting reference links. I’m going to explain it better: on its personal or business web site one should never have to forget to set a link that bring back to its own Facebook page.
It can be inserted in the space “About” or in the useful contact details. The important thing is that the user has the possibility to see it and he is stimulated to visit it.
Phrases like “Do not forget to visit it” or “Have a look to our Facebook page to find more contents“, should be fine.
Be active
Another advice to better grow up a Facebook page is to be active on the social networks. However be carefull: be active doesn’t mind to spread thousands posts or “no sense” photos every day.
To let a Facebook page have followers we need firstly to plan what is our business, establishing how many posts we will share every day, at what time we will do it and what contents we will show.
We need also to understand in which way our niche market is moving. For this reason can result very usefull to sign up on private groups or competitor pages to better know which are the best moves to always be on top on a specific argument.
Promote the page
To better grow up a Facebook page is essential to promote it so even more people will know it. To do it we can use different channels, in addition to Facebook.
Firstly, if we have others social contacts (google +, instagram, etc.) is better to share there our page link, so other users can see and visit it.
Also Facebook gives us the possibility to “Sponsor“ our contents, thanks to this even who is not in our friend’s list can see them.
Through a “tag” system it is possible to reach a high number of peolpe.
Obviusly this kind of activity needs to be plan with a professionist, to understand what result can be reach with a specific budget.
Give a gift
A great method to divulge our Facebook page and our business in general is to give a content that is completly free to our users. It can be a document, a sheet of text or even a little ebook to download for free.
In this way we can let all know our product or service and, at the same time, let all see our page. People, infact, perceive “the gift” as an extremly positive thing, that has an incredible match on trust.
A possible customer that receive an exclusive ebook or content as a gift will be more prone to click like on our page and see what we have to offer.
Facebook and SEO
Like every web site, a Facebook page needs to be optimazed with SEO too. This will increase, without any doubt, interested fans that will find their contents through the search engines.
Onestly we are talking about a small percentage (the biggest part of the share comes from Facebook) but it is worth to collect all the collectable.

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