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How many times have you read an unfair comment on the Facebook profile of a friend or on a page that you follow? The haters exist unfortunatelly and very often they promote the hate and the violence only for fun. Let’s see together what you can do to ban who deserves the button “I DON’T LIKE”.
Who are the haters?
The word says all: “the ones who hates”. They are even called “Keyboard lions”, which are very envy and frustated people that hide themselves behind fake profiles and that use only the written word to encourage the hate and to leave a bad comment on the profiles of famous people or companies that don’t represent their thought.

The haters are everywhere. We know them for their strong language that is focused only to insult, to make argues and go against all odd. Politicians, professionals, stars, writers, artists are the most affected. Everyone can finish inside a hater aim.
Why are they so many in this particular historical moment?
The Keyboard lions, while hiding themselves behind a screen, behind a negative comment, they feel less responsible about what they say and what they do. They hide their problems problems and their insecurity, to fell stronger, for their self-worth. The anonymity allows them to act without be afraid of nothing (even if the Postal Police watches).
The haters in reality are victims themselves of what they fear. They are even victims of their lack of culture and of empathy, but not only. They are fragiles and to not show them this aspect of their character they side ideas that believe are strong, even if these are wrong.
How to ban a comment on Facebook
It’s obvius that the normal user doesn’t like this unfair way to act. Many start to stop to follow some pages or Facebook profiles because they didn’t want to continuously see unfair comments anymore, anti-semitic or something else, even if these comments weren’t related with the manager of the account, but with the users lover of the hate.
There is a way much easier to get off of them: unlike to penalise pages and profiles, you can ban/sign the unfair comments and their authors.

The system is easy: it will be enough to go under the post where you read the comment and to scroll toward left on the comment that you would like to sign. There it will appear three little dots. By clicking on them you will see the phrase “Sign this comment”. It will ask you even if you think it is “Spam” or if it is “Unfair”. According to the option chosen you will have to specify why the comment is offensive.
Unfair comment? Let’s write to Odiare ti costa
Odiare ti costa is a project of an italian association that allows to fill a form to sign the user on a specific social (especially Facebook).

It will be enough to go on their website and to follow the instructions. You can add even a screenshot of the comment that you don’t like (or of the comments) and to say the name of the profile that is impeding your free usage of Facebook.
Obviusly you must leave your personal datas to be called in case of clarifications about the report. The interesting thing is that the guys of Odiare ti costa won’t only verify if what you say is true, but they will even ban the haters anonymously and fast, by deleting even the comments that it wrote on the page or the profile that you signed.
Why shouldn’t we report only a comment?
To sign only a comment can’t be just a waste of time. In order to make Facebook look at your report and do something about the user haters, there must be many reports about it. For this reason it’s very important to not lose heart and go on to sign the comments of that user and to be sided by associations like Odiare ti costa to ban the haters.

Another important thing that you can do it’s to write to the administrator of the page or the profile and to talk straight with him in order to make him sign or ban the comments of the user and the same user.
Infact, the administrator can ban a user straight from the settings of his page. This can be maybe the only real and quick way to ban a hater. For everything else there are the lawers, but be careful to not find an expert fake user, that can’t be reported because of the “freedom of expression”.
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