A serie of free movies in streaming

After days of quarantine during which you jumped from a platform of streaming to another, you saw movies together with your friends and now you don’t know any more what to see? Here you have so a serie of titles that you can find free in streaming on the web.

The dawn of the cinema to see free in streaming

If you are curious and you never saw the classic of the silent black and white cinema Openculture.com proposes a collection of many free movies. If you didn’t see it yet so you must start with L’arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat by the Lumière brothers (1896). When it was projected the audience panicked because they though that was really arriving a train, and they run away terrified.

Let’s pass then to the masterpieces of the mute. Intollerance of the 1916 and The birth of a nation (1915) are unmissable, passing then from Battleship Potëmkin (1927) by Eisenstein mentioned by Fantozzi and then became a legend.

A scene of Intollerance, a timeless classic, that it’s possible to see in streaming for free

But between the classic of the mute there is a collection of the comic genius Buster Keaton, or the one dedicated to Charlie Chaplin.

It’s possible then to see the movies of Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau of the german expressionism: The last laugh (1924), Faust (1926), Nosferatu, a big classic, unmissable for the cinephiles (1922) and Aurora (Sunrise: a song of two humans, 1927).

Passing by the sound movies, one of the first ones is M – the monster of Düsserdolf (1931) by Fritz Lang. From few years later we suggest The water magician (1933) by the japanese manster Kenji Mizoguchi.

On Openculture we can even find some rarity like Dementia 13 (1963), one of the first work of Francis Ford Coppola or  Why try to escape from which you know you can’t escape from? Because you are a coward, the first movie of Lars von Trier which dates back to the 1970. Or even the movie that inspired Reservoir Dogs by Tarantino: Kansas City confidential (1952) by Phil Karlson.

The only flaw of this service is that the movies are all in english, or almost, but we can make a little effort because the free titles in streaming collected on Openculture are more than 700 and of every kind.

The titles in italian

If you really don’t like the english, so let’s have a look at the website aiacetorino.it or on the Facebook page Aiace Torino, to stay up to date. Every day infact they propose a free movie in streaming gratis for the initiative Aiace sul sofà.

Thanks to the cooperation with filmmakers and producers it’s possible to freely see movies and documentaries. It’s enough to connect wih the indicated platform and to put the password gave every time.

Today it’s possible to see Memorie, in viaggio verso Auschwitz by Danilo Monte and A sud di Pavese by Matteo Bellizzi. Or Io, la mia famiglia Rom e Woody Allen by Laura Halilovic, Pietro by Daniele Gaglianone or Storie di uomini e lupi by Alessandro Abba Legnazzi and Andrea Deaglio.

A scene of Dopo Mezzanotte by Davide Ferrario, filmed at the Mole Antonelliana

But there are even movies like Dopo mezzanotte by Davide Ferrario, recorded inside the Mole Antonelliana. Or even Vicino alla mia pelle, a movie that talks about the autism, by Sergio Fergnachino.

The mentioned movies are only some of the ones available, and are all in italian, it’s though possible to see them in streaming for free only for a limited period, so hurry up and stay up date with the website.

A last initiative to mention, always about the movies in streaming for free to see in italian, is the one of MyMovies/iorestoacasa which is though ending. But it will be probably proposed again because the health emergency didn’t finish yet.
It’s still available for the booking in streaming for free the movie Nicolas on Holidays by Lurent Tirard of the 2013, which will be available on tuesday 14th of april since the 10:30am.

This post is also available in: Italiano

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