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The quarantine goes on, you video played, watched movies, read books, why not to try with the podcast?
Contrary of what we might think inside this word are collected many kinds of audio. In this period then it’s possible to use the free long trials of the many apps to try this new way to spend the time.
First of all we have to specify: on Audible and Storytel are available a very similar selection of titles. While the one of Spotify is very reduced, even if here it’s possible to find some gems that on the other two there aren’t.
Podcast of books
From the tales for children to the big novels, are many the books that you can find on the apps like Storytel, Audible or the ones available on Spotify in the specific section.
For example it’s available the podcast of the last romance of Alessia Gazzola (mother of the serie L’allieva) Questione di Costanza, or the last book of Viola Ardone Il treno dei bambini, but it’s possible even to listen the romance that it’s now depopulated thanks to the word of mouth on the web I leoni di Sicilia by Stefania Auci.

Between the big classics that it’s possible to find in podcast there is for example Pride and Prejudice read by Paola Cortellesi or Jane Eyre read by Alba Rohrwacher.
For the guys it’s available all the saga of Harry Potter fully read by Francesco Pannofino, that in the movies give the voice to Hagrid. But there are available even other titles about it like Quidditch through the ages and Fantastic beasts and Where to find them.
There are many stories to listen with the children: you will find some classic like The frog prince or The little prince, until to arrive to Good Night stories for rebel girls. You will find then all the books of Geronimo Stilton and the tales by Gianni Rodari.
Not only books
But if you prefere to read the books between the podcast you will find even english classes like the one of John Peter Sloan on Audible, or about the scientific dissemination like Questa è scienza, where Massimo Polidoro tells about who the science goes through our daily life.
On Storytel and on Spotify it’s possible instead to follow the daily podcast The essential. In five minutes we can listen a report, essential, about what it’s happening for news, economy and policy. The essential is written and read by a girl that is becoming famous on the social, especially on Instagram: Imen Boulahrajane.
Or you can listen Da Costa a Costa written and read by Francesco Costa which tells the america of Trump. Or even Le parole per farlo by Annamaria Anelli, where it’s explained in every episode how to use the words to tell about ourselves, in the job environment but not only.

Daily Cogito, on Spotify, is instead phylosophy in delivery, Rick DuFer tells every day some aspect about the news to encourage personal thoughts. Again on Spotify it’s possible to listen the podcast by Roberto Saviano for ActionAid.
If you like the biographies, in every episode of Morgana (available on Spotify and on Storielibere.fm) Michela Murgia and Chiara Tagliaferri tell about unconfortable, strange and unpopular women. You will listen the stories of Margaret Atwood, Tonya Harding, Madonna, Cher passing even for Shirley Temple.
Always produced by Storielibere.fm there is Vita tra i paperi. Valentina de Poli, historical director of Mickey Mouse tells the stories of the authors of the comic books and discoveres the hidden sides of Donald Duck, one of the lovest figure ever.
On Storytel there is even a perfect podcast for this strange period, it’s called Stories from the quarantine. It’s written and read by Letizia Bravi and Elisabetta Carosio, which is filmmaker and art director and that tells every evening how artists, writers, freelancers face the quarantine.
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