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It’s soon arriving on the marketplace Air Business Card, the smart bracelet which is able, through a handshake, to transfer the datas to the interested person: name, company, position, etc.
In reality it isn’t the first virtual business card, which is already up to many smartphone apps, but it is the first one that requires only a handshake.
The birth of Air Business Card
Mauro Lafico, specialized in the financial marketplaces, creates the start up AirBusinessCard, next to the social and business angels Vito Perrone and Lahkim Bennani.
Air Business Card takes life, through an unique wearable device. A smart bracelet ables to recognise the movements of a handshake and to connect with the interlocutor’s device. By doing that it transmit, autonomously, all the informations, personal and professional, about the person, in the e-mail box of the just met person, and viceversa.

Air Business Card is ready to enter in the italian marketplace this month, by promising to become a valid alternative to the traditional paper business card, for a much more sustainable and advanced future. This doesn’t mean that, starting from the next months, the dear old business cards will become obsolete and that they will be relegated in the past.
The business card becomes digital
Air Business Card throws us in a future with incredible and unthinkable aspects. It’s enough a handshake to give each other contacts, by sending them in the interlocutor’s email box or by downloading them in the specific app on the device.
Every device is linked to its own user, which previously will insert all of his data and will realize his own digital business card.

The smart bracelet has a minimal and essential design, but always elegant.
This first thing that we do when we meet a new person is to shake his hand, but in the ultratechnological era a handshake can mean much more. How many times a minute later we don’t remember the interlocutor’s name any more and how many times we would like to leave our own professional datas to the other person but we don’t have any business card within reach.
It’s right to avoid these inconvenience that Air Business Card was born.
How does Air Business Card work
The device is able, through specific sensors, to recognise the movement of a handshake. In that moment, if the other person is wearing an AirBusinessCard bracelet too, the system will send automatically the datas to the other device.
According to the chosen settings, then, the datas will directly go in the electronic mail box or in the specific application. The business cards stored in the application will be, then, accessible anytime.
To meet all of these needs the smart bracelet is equipped with a movement sensor, a bluetooth transmitter and a quite big memory. Therefore, the device battery is chargable through USB.
This September it starts the test’s phase, where the bracelet will be offered, as rental service, to all the organizations that host faires, congresses, conferences, workshop, networking events, etc.
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